“The central role of Augustine in Western Christianity
Augustine made many important, lasting
contributions for Christian theology. He is perhaps "the most influential
Christian thinker of all time outside of the New Testament."[32] The central role of Augustine in Western
Christianity is perhaps comparable to that of Moses in Judaism.
Like Moses led the Israelites towards the land of Canaan from
their 400-year slavery in Egypt by
encouraging them to stay away from idol-worshipping,
Augustine led the Christians towards the City of God from their 400-year
persecution in the Roman Empireby encouraging them to
stay away from various heresies. It can be argued, of course, that
Emperor Constantine the Great,
who publicly recognized Christianity in 313, or Emperor Theodosius I, who declared
Christianity as the state religion in 392, was more influential than Augustine.
But, Constantine and Theodosius may have used Christianity merely as a means
for political unity. By contrast, Augustine's theological teachings as bishop
of Hippo were developed after his spiritual conversion from his Hellenistic
upbringing and education, and had a more powerful and lasting influence.
Especially his defense of Christianity from those pagan accusations of it which
were occasioned by Alaric's sack of Rome in 410, as seen in The City of
God, his major work, has been influential because it, showing a
profound view of providential history, has given Augustine an image of true
defender and even liberator of the Christians. ….
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